Are You Sunscreen Savvy? 

Northern Nevada Dermatologist Answers Your Burning Questions

❤️ Sunscreen can be really expensive, is it ok if I reuse sunscreen from last summer?

Answer: It is recommended you use sunscreen year round when outdoors, not just in the summer. The FDA requires all sunscreen (formulas) retain their original strength for at least 3 years. Look for an expiration date- if it’s expired, throw it out. If it does not have an expiration date, write the date of purchase on the sunscreen bottle. Look for visible signs the sunscreen is no longer good- changes in color or consistency.

 ❤️ Are sunscreen sprays as effective as lotions?

Current FDA regulations on testing and standardization do not pertain to spray sunscreens. The agency continues to evaluate these products to ensure safety and effectiveness. Make sure to use enough of the product to cover the entire surface area thoroughly. Do not inhale or apply close to heat or an open flame.

❤️ Should I apply sunscreen to my scalp or part in my hair?

Skin cancers can occur on sun exposed scalps. If you don’t wear a hat continuously, this area would be a good place to apply spray sunscreen, but again, avoid inhaling. A gel also works well in this area.

❤️ What is the optimum SPF for life at altitude?

Dermatologist recommend using a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, which blocks 97% of the sun’s rays. Higher number SPFs block slightly more of the sun’s rays but no sunscreen can block 100% of them. Higher SPFs last about the same amount of time as lower SPFs and should be applied approximately every 2 hours when outdoors, even on cloudy days, and after swimming or sweating.

❤️ I’ve heard concerns over the long-term safety of chemical sunscreens, how can I be reassures they are safe?

Sunscreens are a safe and effective way to protect against the damaging effects from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Scientific evidence supports the benefits of sunscreen to minimize the damage and outweighs any unproven claims of toxicity or human health hazard. Claims that sunscreen ingredients are toxic or a hazard to human health have not been proven.

❤️ What are some of the best sunscreen on the market today?

The best sunscreen is the one that individuals will use every day!