Nevada Facts

K-911 Tahoe’s Avalanche Heros

The familiar “all work and no play” cautionary maxim must instinctively apply across species because observing a playful pack of uniformed, off-duty avalanche rescue dogs is a true delight.  Contrary to the mental image one might conjure up of these canine heroes—the stoic mountain dog honorably sporting the official white cross on red vest—when not …

K-911 Tahoe’s Avalanche Heros Read More »

Relocating Californians May Have yet Another Reason to Choose Tahoe

What is an ISO Fire Score and How it Impacts a Community’s Appeal By Cindy Pratte-Smith  Realtor®, M.B.A. This year to date, as I write this post, there have been over 8,500 California wildfires that have consumed more than four million acres, killed over 30 people, and destroyed 9,200 structures—many of which were family homes. …

Relocating Californians May Have yet Another Reason to Choose Tahoe Read More »